Payment Plans - 4 Ways To Fund Your Dream Session

Payment Plans For Your Boudoir Experience

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One of the best investments you can make in yourself is a boudoir photoshoot experience. It can remind you just how badass and sexy you really are when seen from a new light. Who doesn’t want that reminder? A sometimes common thing we hear from women is “I’ll have to save up for this!” or “I’d really like to experience this self love enlightening journey, but I just can’t afford it” Or even worse! Some women will hire an inexperienced boudoir photographer (maybe a family/pet/wedding photographer or someone who’s much cheaper) and don’t get to witness the transformative effect of a professional boudoir session. This can (and has) lead to not only less than stellar images but even outright bad, shameful, experiences. A boudoir session is meant to elevate confidence, not deflate it! A client once compared it to a ‘boob-job’ : she saved up all her pretty pennies to get the best job she could, she didn’t want to skimp out on something so personal, yet vulnerable, that will affect her confidence and well being for the rest of her life!

Mystery Boudoir wants every woman to have a chance to stare her collection of professional art and get to feel like a queen who’s worthy of being worshipped. Payment plans are necessary to make this accessible to many more women. There are a few options for payment plans as we’ll highlight below, but the gist of it is ‘if your session is paid off before you even arrive, you get to focus on the experience fully and not have nagging worries in the back of your head’ You will feel a lot less stress because everything is paid off already, we can just concentrate on you and feel and look like the queen that you are for a day. PLUS you will qualify for exclusive bonuses not offered anywhere else, just for pre paying for your collection!


Well, usually what happens is after your session, we meet at the studio about 1-2 weeks later for your Ordering Appointment. This is where you get to make all the big decisions on how you want to display your work of art. Do you want the book? Wall art? Digitals? Up to you! Every single woman that comes to her ordering appointment wants to spend more than she initially wanted to. So in order to combat that under-preparedness, we offer pre-session payment plans to help you plan ahead. You can either pre pay for your session ahead of time or pay in full at your ordering appointment.

Pre-Purchasing your session is not absolutely required, however if you wish to take advantage of the Pre Session Payment Plans, you must do so BEFORE your session. We do not offer payment plans AFTER your session. Our collections can be from $999-$5999! So being prepared helps tremendously, we don’t expect you to show up and hand us $5k in cash on the spot, but if you’re at that point - good for you!

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You get a certain number of bonuses at no additional cost depending on what collection you wish to pre-purchase. You get about 1 bonus per $1000 spent and these can be worth up to $500 each! You will get a list of them in more detail in your emails but here’s a preview: Custom Mobile App, Professional Headshots for work, 50% off Future Session Fee, extra makeup looks and outfits, exclusive sets, Calendars, your own Retro viewer (like you had when you were a kid, but naughty version hehe)

Pre Payment Options

When you are ready to invest in your boudoir experience, it is important to know all the options you have for payment. The boudoir experience is different for everybody, some clients want the luxury leather books, some want the fancy metal art and some just want digitals….and A LOT of them. As a result of this variety, the prices can really vary. We hope you find this page handy, as we will cover the many recommended options we have to offer. Our Collections (Bundled Packages) start at $999 and our middle collection is our most popular because it has the most bang for buck. Everyone loves the 10x10 book!

For more details about the pricing, book your phone consultation! We will discuss some of the options AND you will receive ALL THE DETAILS through email after our conversation. Fill out the form at the bottom if you’re not signed up yet. I will list the pros and cons of the different methods so you can make an educated decision.

Here are the main payment options.

  1. Pay in full before your session

  2. Pay using a pre-payment plan / boudie bank

  3. Pay with 3rd party financing

  4. Pay in full at your ordering session

The only thing that is due right away is 1/2 of your $400 Session Fee. This will actually book off your date and put you on my calendar. The seconds 1/2 of the $400 is due the day before your shoot. This is great because you don’t have to commit to anything if you are unsure about the experience. Do the shoot and don’t order anything. Feel like a million bucks but with no proof or keepsake. There is a highly likely chance that you will absolutely love your photos and want to keep them all! In that case, you will probably have to order something at the ordering appointment. The worst thing you can do is not be prepared. Your eyes are hungry for the $2500 package but you only budgeted for less than half of that. Since neither of us want that to happen, all of our options favour pre paying. So let’s go over them in more detail!

Mystery Boudoir blonde

Option 1 - Pay in full before your session.

This is for someone who knows what they want and has already budgeted for it.


-Out of sight, out of mind. Worry less about the financials the day of your shoot. Just concentrate on getting spoiled.
-Qualify for exclusive BONUS perks just for knowing what you want ahead of time! You can still choose to upgrade at your ordering session but those perks will be granted to you regardless.


-Not everyone budgets in advance, so not affordable for some people.

Accepted Payment Methods:
-Credit Card, Debit Card, Cash (Contact The studio first)


-Yes! Pre-Paid collections are always eligible for up to 4 bonus perks (valued at up to $350 each!)

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Option 2 - Pre-Payment Plan and The Boudie Bank

What is this Boudie Bank? Well say you want to know roughly how much you want to spend but don’t know exactly what product to get until you see your images… This is for you!

You buy credit ($1000, $2000, etc) to put in the Boudie Bank before your shoot then the day of your ordering appointment you have credit to spend. It feels like free money by the time you get to it.

If you know what collection you want to aim for, even better! We know the exact amount so we can break it up into little chunks for our pre-session payment plan! Package costs $1500? Well that’s 10 monthly payments of only $150!


You get to pay little by little over time just by planning ahead! Whether it’s the exact amount or the Boudie Bank, breaking it up into smaller chunks makes it much more manageable. You still have the option of upgrading at your ordering appointment, but this will get you a huge head start. Plan up to a year in advance!


If you don’t have a regular consistent income, it may not work for you taking a small payment every single month/week whatever you choose.

Accepted Payment Method:

Auto Payment is required so at least 2 valid cards must be on file for the duration of your payment plan, in order to ensure that payments are uninterrupted.


Yes! Pre-paid collections are eligible for up to 5 perks (valued at $350 each!)

Extra Details:

-Full Session Fee must be paid before payment plan. Anything less than $1000, 1/2 down payment is required. Above $1000 only 1/3 is required

-The balance is divided over equal payments for the duration of your contractual payment plan. Must start at least a month before your desired session date and up to 12 months in advance!

-You are able to choose from weekly payments, monthly, or bi monthly payment options. (You can even have it come out of your account on a certain day - maybe line it up with pay day )

-Payments made into the Boudie Bank account are non-refundable and two valid credit/debit cards are required to be on file in order for the auto-withdrawl to remain undisturbed.

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Option 3 - Pay With 3rd Party Financing

Create your dream collection just like before and pay over time with 3rd party financing. Paypal Credit. Upon approval, you’ll pay in full for your collection!


Similar to the payment plan method but get your products faster! To you it’s the same because you will be paying regularly until it’s paid off. On my end, however, I treat you like you have paid in full. So this means that you get your products faster! This is a great option if your shoot is coming up soon and you want to have some extra money to play with in the Boudie Bank.


Not everyone is pre approved for 3rd party financing. You must have decent credit. It’s basically a low interest loan but not through me. It’s out of my hands.

Accepted Payment Method:

PayPal Credit. Use their link to see if you are eligible to get 0% interest for up to 12 months!


Yes! Pre-paid collections are eligible for up to 5 perks (valued at $350 each!)

Mystery Boudoir Lady Kat

Option 4 - Pay in full at the ordering session

Don’t prepay anything but save your money for the big day. You simply pay for what you want to order at your Viewing and Ordering appointment and decide what products you would like to walk away with.

Post -Session payment plans are not available after your session and all orders must be placed at your ordering session in full.


- Your order will be placed ASAP and you will receive your products very soon after.
- You don’t have to commit to anything just in case you don’t love your photos.


- Post session payment plans are not available AFTER your session, so all orders must be placed at your ordering session and be paid in full!
-No bonus perks

Accepted Payment Method:

Credit, Debit or Cash. PayPal Credit is also available still. Since it takes a few days to get credit, please apply prior to your ordering session if you’re thinking of 3rd party financing.


NO! The perks are only available for people who pre pay for collections. We shoot differently and focus on different things if we know in advance you are getting the book vs wall art. (A shot of just your shoes might make it in the book because details are important in telling a story, but you probably don’t want wall art of just shoes)

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So to recap

-Pre-Session Payment Plans allow you to make payments leading up to your session
-There is 0% interest
-You get to choose the amount to pay and the frequency
-It’s all automated to charge your card in the background, so less worry about opening up emails and sending passwords back and forth once a week
-You get to receive your collections sooner and unlock exclusive BONUSES
-MysteryBoudoir gets paid in instalments, your session is paid off when the final payment is submitted.

Paypal credit also gives you
-0% interest for 6 months
-Take as long as you need to pay it off AFTER the session
-MysteryBoudoir gets paid in full right away, but you pay in instalments towards PPC to pay back the loan.

Need more helpful insight? Sign up below to receive ALL the details.

Mystery Boudoir

London Ontario

no longer at 211 KING ST.

Eman Beny