Hung Up - Melinda
I originally reached out to Melinda for a Cat Calendar I was doing for charity. We got some good shots with the cat and her and some decent ones of her by herself as well.
Although she had some modelling experience, she had stopped modelling all together ever since she had her first child.
Being a single mom, life suddenly got hectic and she was under the impression that mom’s weren’t allowed to be, look and feel sexy.
I convinced her that thinking was BS and that she would regain some of that confidence she used to have if we booked a proper shoot together.
She went along with the idea, and a few months later, we rented a yoga studio with the intention of shooting a memorable mom boudoir experience.
Keep in mind that, at the time of these photos, she had a toddler! He wasn’t even 2 years old yet.
Her body bounced back miraculously just in time for the photoshoot.
The stressful life of balancing a toddler, lifting him up all the time and the crazy stress that comes along with it actually helped her get into this ridiculous post maternity shape.
Needless to say, after seeing the photos we came up with. She gave the modelling career another go.
She was blown away with how she looked and how the photos made her feel.
All the securities of being an unsexy, un-sensual mother fizzled away and she was able to embrace her femininity in all its glory.
The photos are raw. They are implied, almost nude, but yet classy and somewhat soft and vulnerable.