A Feathered Animal
I had contacted “featheredanimal” about a year or two earlier, wanting to work with her.
We followed each other on instagram and I always enjoyed her face-cropped-out selfies which gave her quite a mysterious feel.
Not to mention, she had a pretty decent fanbase of adoring fans who were quite supportive.
Upon meeting her, I was surprised to find that she was quite shy and did not, in fact, like to be in front of the camera.
Which seemed contradictory. She had so many selfies with many likes. But to be fair her face was always out of frame or not bright and centre.
This was a little insight into her insecurities about her photogenic abilities. But she took those insecurities and made them into art.
Speaking of insecurities turning into art, she was covered head to toe in ink.
For some people, tattoos are an attention seeker. Displaying art on your body, a walking museum.
For her, however, they had the exact opposite motivation.
The ink was actually used to cover up parts of her body she wasn’t proud of.
Since she was covered head to toe, you can imagine how she felt about her own image.
Getting a photoshoot with a good step towards body positivity. Not only did we both love the photos that we came up with and printed a book of our art.
We also did a video of the day’s events which got featured on a big facebook page and received well over 100,000 views!
Sometimes people compliment us and we are unsure if they’re being sincere or not.
When you get compliments by the hundreds, you start to wonder if there is some truth in them words after all.